Throw it in the trash !
Published on July 30, 2006 By _02 In WinCustomize Site Issues
I have been seeing some great wallpapers, icons and windowblinds etc. and what I see is that damn rating system giving other members a poor rate. There are alot of very nice looking wallpapers, icons, etc. on this site, but all I see is one bad mark after another. I am very upset that this system must stay in place, ( Throw it in the trash). And I also see alot of favorite members getting all the great marks, ( Throw it in the trash). I just think some ppl on this site are so rude and don't care about anybody but them themselves. I say again, THROW IT IN THE TRASH !
Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 01, 2006
Some things could have zero downloads because people think they're rubbish. Just a thought

Yeah , but we have all seen rubbish sell at an art show for hundreads of dollars

No...any 'older' ones with no downloads are likely to have been recent re-evaluations of past previously rejected walls now made public

Ok..I had asked that question on another thread 'cause thats what I thought it was - but noone answered. So that makes sense.
on Aug 01, 2006
art 1 Pronunciation (ärt)
1. Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
a. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
b. The study of these activities.
c. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.

however you don't put a rating system on art.

Facts are, all art is rated, if you go by this definition of art. Movies, Plays, Paintings, Sculpture, art exhibits, art galleries, food, fashion, etc, etc.

You can go beyond that to Ratemyfacedotcom, ratemy(insertbodyparthere)dotcom, etc. Almost seems an overwhelmingly majority of people want to be rated for something. I won't even go into the hidden meaning or reasons behind it.

I think what's important is that the person choosing the art is picking it for their own reasons, not the rating. God knows how many one star movies I have gone to and enjoyed instead of listening to the critics or counting the stars. The same goes for stuff I have downloaded. I've downloaded plenty of stuff under 4 or even 3 stars and some less than that because I LIKED it.

Just incase you have doubts that some people want to be rated (all masochists, I'm sure) here's a couple sites that do just that..rate art rate my art rating art
on Aug 01, 2006
Facts are, all art is rated,

Thus the term "Art Critic" "Movie Critic" etc.

.....figured I'd jump in on this month's/week's rehash.....

on Aug 01, 2006
.....figured I'd jump in on this month's/week's rehash.....

me too lol

all art is rated at an auction.   
on Aug 01, 2006
Lantec: Thus the term "Art Critic" "Movie Critic" etc.

Which brings us back to fuzzy's post # 22

Rating probably needs to be in skilled hands only.

on Aug 01, 2006
C'mon... if the rating system is changed, what will we have to look forward to on a monthly basis. This topic always generates a giggle or a blood pressure spike, depending on the mood at the time of reading.
I'm sure Jafo can come up with more nifty dialog like...

Re words-into-mouth-placements....

or the ever popular...

If I told you the Earth was flat you'd believe that too, I presume..

These are the things that make reading this rehash so entertaining!!

on Aug 01, 2006
on Aug 01, 2006
on Aug 01, 2006

Phoon....actually....with the eternal plethora of rating threads I'm likely to exhaust my supply of natty quips and one-liners...

Po' ...thanks for #32 helped explain this art/rating thing people always seem to want to ignore/deny as a reality.

Of course all of this thread [and the squillions like it that have come before and will likely follow] presupposes that it is the 'art' that is being judged, not the entity that is a 'wallpaper'.

Almost always these threads are by/for/about wallpapers and wallpaper 'makers', not specifically skins at all.

I for one really do not look at a submitted wallpaper and think "OMFG!!! the pathos...the angst...the raw emotion captured in every tortured Bryce button-press...a brilliance of visual expression!!!" as I cup my face in both hands, mouth agape in a silent scream.....

It's [they're] supposed to be know, those things you put on a desktop and cover with icons and assorted effluvia.  They are therefore judged for function, form, appeal, and technical skill.  Why 'technical skill'?  In a wall? Because if it's really simplistic and non-technical anyone would be more likely do it themselves than bother to download a 'flea in the distance' wall.

Now the new direction is taking with wall moderation means that if you have one rejected you will 'know' it was deemed to be PARTICULARLY POOR or it failed 'function' [a 16x16 pixel icon never works as a wall], or it violated policy [rip/porn/racially discriminatory/etc].

Once it IS 'approved' it is approved as a 'wallpaper', not as 'art'.

Whether you wish to debate the semantics of 'art' and what it constitutes, or not, bear in mind that it is the WALLPAPER suitability being judged/rated, not whether it was Post-Coital Impressionism of the Nihilistic Period or Pre-school Finger-painting 101 for the digitally challenged....

on Aug 01, 2006
Now that's settled, I look forward to seeing everyone here next month for the next episode...   
on Aug 01, 2006
Well seeing that it is next month, from the month this was started.......

on Aug 01, 2006
I for one really do not look at a submitted wallpaper and think "OMFG!!! the pathos...the angst...the raw emotion captured in every tortured Bryce button-press...a brilliance of visual expression!!!" as I cup my face in both hands, mouth agape in a silent scream....

on Aug 02, 2006
or a Pre-school Finger-painting 101 for the digitally challenged....

I think its rather cruel to talk about my " Blueberry Hill " wall entry for the skinnilicious Artrage Contest.

on Aug 02, 2006

I think its rather cruel to talk about my " Blueberry Hill " wall entry for the skinnilicious Artrage Contest.

Jafo looks up into the sky, whistling innocently...

on Aug 02, 2006
Fairyy~ looks up into the sky, whistling innocently.

lol - yeah well , when its hanging in the " louvre " we'll see who's whistling then.

PS: That was LOUVRE not LOO .
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